Saturday, 28 February 2015

updates on Eldar Dire Avengers

This week i fell victim to some monkeigh infection, like ze flueh. So starting highlights with a 37,5 - 38 temperature doesnt help =(
so this is the latest what i manaaged before getting ill

In non consequential order what so ever.

2 medium rare backs

leader dude - before highlights

leader dude - before highlights

leader dude - before highlights

leader dude - before highlights

leader dude - before highlights

2 dudes with first highlights

2 dudes with first highlights 
2 dudes with first highlights

2 dudes with first highlights

i lost track here


i guess they are inspired by my girlfriend often humming to ice ice baby.
comments and advice on how to procede with highlights are very welcome.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor. Pt.1

Good evening, guys!

I've started to work on my Corregidor sectorial army.
Here go two alguaciles from old Nomad starter

Alguacil girl was painted long time ago, but to complete the set two more guys have to be painted.

The first one is almost done.

Unfourtunately i've lost one head(propably will find it at some point, or will take second head from nomad spec-ops blister). Until I find/purchase a head, one of the guys will wear ork mask :)


See Ya!
Have fun ;)

Monday, 23 February 2015

Rise of the Morat Supremacy

Been a busy week, so I have not been able to finish all that much. Most of my projects are in a WIP state, so I will give a brief look at my Infinity army progress so far.

A work-in-progress shot of my Dāturazi Witch soldiers with an Oznat that fills the role of the fifth Dāturazi in the link team. Mostly basecoats, only have begun working on their skin.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Caledonian volunteers pt.1

Got a bit lazy lately, so, not much work done. But, considering the rumors about the Infinity tournament, held in March, need to keep up the pace. 
So, here is a fire team of 3 Volunteers, base colors applied. 

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Table cleaning. Pt.1

Good evening, guys!

During a bit of time in hobby there have been stocking boxes of random miniatures. So I decided to clean up the mess and actually paint all oth them. Probably, they will be selled after being painted or may be not - will see. But in either case I get good practice and fun, dmt those spees elvez xD

The skyboards were painted today 0_o. Omg if only orks were so easy to paint... But i came up with a nice yellow (for all these years, at last xD), that i'll be using for my Corregidor Sectorial Army and Bad Moonz

Some days before. Striking scorpions. Cool models, but DAT failcast...

And finally ork. Almost done. But i'll stop with stormboyz for now. My prime targets for orks are bikerz and nice cute Stoma.

For the next iterations i'll paint Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor, probably some w40k guys will appear. But infinity tournament announcement slightly changed my painting priorities.

See Ya!
For the Horde! Waaaaaagh! ;)

Dark Eldar Wych finished.

At least as much finished as I can think and do with my orkish hands.

Tohaa Gao-Rael (Spitfire), p5

Aand hello again!

I actually did the job on Feb 12th but I hadn't went down to take pictures and post into blog until today. This time I did the metal parts -- boots and belt, and I have neck guard and some small bits on the knees which I forgot to paint. Then the body part will be finally painted and I will finally get onto painting hands and weapons.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Friday the 13th's Black Crusade

What a lovely day to be painting the forces of Chaos. Here's another part of a larger commission to bring a client's black primer army to a simple tabletop standard. This time I've got a whole bunch of Black Legion Chaos space marines. As always, the Warp is fickle and the camera feed is able to catch only distorted glimpses of these warriors at best.

A Black Legion sorcerer lord taking a trip through realspace with his friends. They would like directions to the closest intersection to Cadia, please.

"Alright, that's cool, we'll find our way to Cadia on our own. I think those Warp Talons know where to go."

"Onward brothers, there's things to kill and galaxies to burn somewhere over there!"

Overall, I am rather pleased how they look together. It's been ages since I painted such a massive amount of miniatures at once, and while taken individually, the mass-painted legionnaires may seem lacking to my eye, together they make up for it with their strong presence.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Orkz ar' goin' to Waaagh! Pt.1

Good evening!

I was stuck little bit with Space Marines.
Here are few of them:

But at this point im stopping playing with armoured soldiers, and getting to the serious business.
Battles for The Golden Urn are approaching, and orks are more serious than ever.

So here is first result of Big Meks, being stuck into orkish factories:

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Tohaa Gao-Rael (Spitfire), p4

 Actually, I was about to post this last Sunday, but I ruined the paintjob on the armor and thought that it doesn't deserve the shame to share it with the world. So, without further ado, here's what I spent two evenings for.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Walk like an egyptian, fly like a bat out of hell

This time I've been working on something that I have not before - the insidious forces of Chaos! This was a basic tabletop standard commission. Unfortunately, as is the nature of the immaterial realm of the Warp, mortal technology does not work properly there, so the pictures come enhanced with a wonderful Warp effect and are blurry as hell as a result.

A pack of six Thousand Sons, slowly shuffling into the battle. The armor is just too heavy!

Another shot at the pack. Some of them have claimed cover now! Silly Thousand Sons, you don't need cover, you have 3++ invulnerable save, that is why you're so expensive!

A pack of Warp Talons drifting into the battle. First six of the nine.

Last three of the nine Warp Talons. Being daemons with lightning claws for hands and feet isn't easy, you know. What if your nose gets itchy?

A Warp filter enhanced group shot of the gold-clad brothers in arms.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

PSC Soviet Infantry SMG team

Hello agaiи, comяades.

Base still needs a bit of work (Anyone knows where to buy static grass in Riga?), as are shadows and highlights, but I really wanted to post this, so here goes.... 1st stand 80% complete.

I really need to get a lamp. I can see mistakes on a photo which I didn't see before taking a picture :(

Small update:
Fixed helmets color and other minor mistakes, painted some more bases.
Ork displayed for the scale.